Pour-over coffee brewing

Pour Over

The pour over method produces coffee with a delicate and smooth texture that resides somewhere between juicy and tea-like. A paper filter that fits into some sort of dripper is all you need for pour over coffee. The paper filter results in a clarified mouthfeel as it holds back oils and undissolved coffee particles from the final cup.

Espresso coffee brewing


Espresso is a great way to amplify the characteristics of your favorite coffee. Using pressure to force hot water through finely ground, compacted coffee, espresso is more concentrated than coffee brewed using other methods. While espresso has more caffeine per-unit volume than most other coffee drinks, because of its smaller serving size, the total caffeine content is actually lower than a standard cup of coffee.

Very fine grind recommended.

Moka Pot

The moka pot is a fun way to make coffee resembling espresso. It can make a rich, strong, and intense brew. In this method, boiling water which is pressurized by steam passes through a bed of coffee grounds from bottom to top. It can make a delicious cup of coffee concentrate but make no mistake, it is not actually a stovetop espresso maker.